As you’ve been walking around your neighborhood during this coronavirus-era, have you been noticing bears in people’s windows? It’s part of a nation-wide effort to provide a bright spot during this time and give kids an activity to do while outside and can’t be with their friends. We have to admit it’s kind of fun for adults as well to try and spot as many bears as we can on an evening stroll.
If you’ve already joined the great bear hunt of the era…great! We’ll look for your teddy on the windowsill. If you haven’t (or would like to add to your menagerie of window bears), we can help.
Meet Ruffles Shakesbear!
We’ve created a fancy, dressed up and a cozy version of Ruffles for you to display in your window. Download and printout the option that suits your mood. We’ve got options for full color print outs or color at home to customize Ruffles yourself.
If you see Ruffles out in the wild of your neighborhood, be sure to take a picture and post it on social media and tag us so that we can see.
Ruffles Shakesbear