First Look at Rehearsals for King Lear
The family that preys together… take a look at rehearsals for our Wooden O production of King Lear. Performances start in the park on July 12.
The family that preys together… take a look at rehearsals for our Wooden O production of King Lear. Performances start in the park on July 12.
Twenty-five summers ago, a small, but hearty troupe of players bundled into the back of a green pick-up truck (The Big O) and lumbered from the Mercer Island Community Center down to Luther Burbank Park Amphitheatre and barnstormed in for three performances of Much Ado About Nothing. Our purpose was fairly simple: to entertain. And thus Wooden O began.
With a plot that’s easy to follow and a gallery of broad humorous characters, The Merry Wives of Windsor is an audience favorite. Don’t know it? Don’t worry, you’re in for a treat! Want to know a bit more about the play? Then we’re here to help shine a light on this popular comedy of small town mischief.
Family betrayal, sibling rivalry, greed, insanity, bloody violent acts, and estate planning. What’s not to like about King Lear? If this is your first go around with Shakespeare’s famous and popular tragedy or if you just want a brush up to know your Kents from your Cornwalls then we’re here to help out.
Seattle Shakespeare Company celebrates the 25th anniversary of Wooden O this summer with productions of King Lear and The Merry Wives of Windsor which start performances on Thursday, July 12. Both productions will perform in park venues throughout King and Pierce Counties.
It’s the 25th Anniversary of Wooden O and we’re thrilled for our summer park productions of King Lear and The Merry Wives of Windsor. So pick a park and start planning your picnics, because on July 12 we launch our free summer Shakespeare.