Casting News: Wooden O 2015
We’re thrilled to announce our casting for this summer’s free Wooden O productions of Henry IV part 1 and As You Like It which start performances on Thursday, July 9.
We’re thrilled to announce our casting for this summer’s free Wooden O productions of Henry IV part 1 and As You Like It which start performances on Thursday, July 9.
Rehearsals are underway for our upcoming production of Othello later this spring. Director John Langs who staged our productions of Antony and Cleopatra and Hamlet, returns to helm Shakespeare’s
Watch a video of Seattle Shakespeare Company’s Artistic Director George Mount talk about the plans for the company’s 25th Anniversary season.
Bring on the funny! Rehearsals for “Tartuffe” are creating giggles, laughs, and guffaws with every scene. Here’s your first look at the show before we move into the theatre.
[soliloquy id=”9399″] They meet in a room called “Faith” at the Recovery Café, around the corner from Cornish College of the Arts and a stone’s throw away from the offices
Impress your friends! Wow your neighbors! Show off your smarts! Here is a handy guide for getting up to speed on Tartuffe. Um…how do you say that? The first step