Bluff Your Way Through the Play: Medea
Is it all Greek to you? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here’s a little bit of Medea’s history and backstory to help you navigate through this ancient, but fascinating story.
Is it all Greek to you? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here’s a little bit of Medea’s history and backstory to help you navigate through this ancient, but fascinating story.
Husbands against wives. Children lost and found. Living statues and random bear attacks. The Winter’s Tale can be a confounding fairytale, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back with our
Do you know when Juliet’s birthday is? How about the name of Mercutio’s brother? Oh, and shhh, but we’ve got a secret about that famous balcony. Nerd out with our handy guide to Romeo and Juliet.
A Freshman Effort? George Bernard Shaw had been writing criticism for years, but had only started trying his hand at playwriting a year before he wrote Mrs. Warren’s Profession. It
Our handy guide for getting up to speed on Titus Andronicus before seeing the show.
Ethel Merman as Mother Courage? She travels how many miles in the play? There’s music in this show? Get up to speed on Mother Courage and Her Children with our handy guide.