Shakespeare’s magical tale where revenge yields to forgiveness. Exiled by his younger brother and marooned on an enchanted island with his daughter, the aging sorcerer Prospero discovers the human heart wields a greater power than all the spells at his command.
Craig Wollam (Scenic Designer), Jocelyne Fowler (Costume Designer), Marleigh Driscoll (Properties Designer), Crystal Dawn Munkers (Choreographer), Victoria Thompson (Stage Manager)
CAST (in alphabetical order)
Scott Ward Abernethy, Tonya Andrews, and Olivia Hartshorn (Ariel), Jonathan Crimeni, (Ferdinand), Mike Dooly (Stephano), Jim Gall (King Alonso), Anastasia Higham (Miranda), Jim Lapan (Gonzalo), Meg McLynn (Antonio), Pilar O’Connell (Adrian), Brian Simmons (Caliban), Brandon J. Simmons (Sebastian), Amy Thone (Prospero), Donna Wood (Trinculo).