Modern Epic. It all began when Helen of Troy was fiercely abducted, and now for seven long years the Greeks and Trojans have been at war. Warriors cynically debate over the fate of their nations with little resolution. Ensnared in the madness are the young Trojan prince, Troilus, and a traitor’s daughter, Cressida. Their love is tested and exposed to the savage and corrupting influence of wartime politics.
Warriors and Lovers. Both nations and lovers battle it out in this funny and insightful drama of revenge and romance. Troilus and Cressida’s doomed devotion mirrors the world of war all around them. Classic characters from the Iliad – Hector, Ulysses, Achilles, Ajax, Helen – leap to life with the help of Shakespeare’s imagination to reveal the follies of war.
A Rare Opportunity. At turns farcical and tragic, comedic and heart-breaking, Troilus and Cressida is one of Shakespeare’s most passionate plays. Director David Quicksall, who staged our “visually arresting and forceful” (Seattle Times) Coriolanus, returns to direct this larger-than-life spectacle.
Video Trailer
Production Team
David Quicksall (Director), Christopher Mumaw (Scenic Designer), Jocelyne Fowler (Costume Designer), Nathan Wade (Sound Designer), Robin Macartney (Props Designer), Geof Alm (Fight Choreographer), Ian Bond (Intimacy Director), Lenore Bensinger (Dramaturg), Natalie Shih (Costume Assistant), Cathy Fazio (Stage Manager), Gavin Yehle (Assistant Stage Manager)
Cast (alphabetical order)
Nicholas Japaul Bernard (Patroclus), Aaron Blakely (Achilles), Ian Bond (Thersites), Angélica Duncan-Basile (Cressida), Gabrielle Friedman (Cassandra), Jim Gall (Nestor/Priam), Matthew Gilbert (Diomedes), Hisam Goueli (Ajax), Tim Gouran (Paris), Joe Guzmán (Agamemnon), Laurence Hughes (Menelaus/Calchas), Sean Lally (Ulysses), Jason Marr (Aeneas), George Mount (Pandarus), Valerie Ryan Miller (Helen/Andromache), Mackenzie Shapiro (Alexandria/Margarelon), Arlando Smith (Hector), Andy Walker (Troilus)