In this taut, pared-down play tells a tale of murder and dark ambition, a ruthless lord seizes power with the help of his scheming wife and a trio of other-worldly witches. Urged on by eerie prophesies and ambitious desire, Macbeth slices through kinsmen, friend, and foe in a bloody climb to power at any cost.
Craig Wollam (Scenic Designer), Janessa Jayne Styck (Costume Designer), Gordon Carpenter (Fight Choreographer), Louise Butler (Rehearsal Stage Manager), Gavin Cummins (Puppet Construction), George Mount (Mask Construction)
CAST (in alphabetical order)
Patrick Allcorn (Duncan/Macduff/Murderer/Witch), Susanna Burney (Lady Macbeth/Servant/Siward/Witch), Ben McFadden (Banquo/Porter/Murderer/Witch/Bleeding Sergeant), Carolyn Marie Monroe (Ross/Lady Macduff/Fleance/Witch), Damian Peterson (Malcolm/Murderer/Witch), Richard Nguyen Sloniker (Macbeth)
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