Set sail on the high seas for a summer adventure. Prince Pericles romances maidens, gets chased from port to port, finds his true love, and then loses her and his infant daughter in the storm-tossed sea. With only the stars and his heart as a guide, Pericles charts one man’s epic lifetime voyage to reunite with the family he thought he had lost forever.
Production Team
Annie Lareau (Director), Craig Wollam (Set Designer), Kelly McDonald (Costume Designer), Robin Macartney (Props Designer), Meghan Roche (Sound Designer), and Matt Reed (Composer).
Cast (in alphabetical order)
Alana Cheshire (Gower/Diana), Heather Hawkins (Lychordia/Bawd/Ensemble), Anastasia Higham (Marina/Ensemble), Tracy Hyland (Thaisa), Arjun Pande (Lysimicus/First Pirate/Ensemble), David Pichette (Antiochus/Simonides/Boult), Jackie Pomeroy (Leonine/ Sailor/Ensemble), Lorenzo Roberts (Pericles), David Rock (Thailard/ Knight/Ensemble), Cally Shine (Fisherman/Cerimon/Ensemble), Brian Simmons (Helcanus/Pander/Ensemble), Nikki Visel (Escanes/Dionyza), and Maile Wong (Daughter of Antiochus/Philemon/Ensemble).
Wooden O Schedule
[tribe_events_list category=”Wooden O” venue=”yes” limit=”38″]