Theatre is a loud activity. Noise carries vibrations, so it’s impossible to miss even at a distance. Music, sound effects, and performers’ voices, boom all around the theatre. Noise is also something we get to take part in as audience members. We get to clap and cheer and laugh. Feedback is as important for the performers as it is for us, because working together is always better than trying to do so alone.
Right now, as we write this, we should have been finishing a student matinee of Troilus and Cressida. Through our office walls we would hear not simply applause, but cheering – robust and enthusiastic. Our student matinee audiences are often the most responsive to our work. This is the best time of day for both of us.
These days, though you may often find yourself sitting in silence, be absolutely assured: you are not alone.
This community is still together, and the remarkable generosity of so many is keeping Seattle Shakespeare safe. Donating, giving back tickets, being the ghost light lit for this theatre—it feels we are all cheering together. We don’t know what the future may hold, but we will continue trying to find a way forward.
After we sent out a request this week for people to stand up as ghost lights, over 100 people gave keep Seattle Shakespeare safe. More than 50 of those people gave for the very first time. That’s a lot of noise! We are so thankful for the deep care and love that so many have shown Seattle Shakespeare. We are so thankful for the future that care and love makes possible.
The cheers echoing in our memory are now for you.
More to come.
John Bradshaw
Artistic Director
Heidi McElrath
Development Director